Sad to report that I've been really struggling with LLLL08 - and lots of other adults in these parts are too - the suggestions are just to urban to make sense - some of us have resorted to the Kids suggestions.
So no police officers ( we only ever see them with blue lights and cars in these parts) or queues ( except traffic in Keighley), no chance to ride a bike or walk instead of using the car just too busy.
Other feedback from last years enthusiasts is also a little less entuasisatic - without being too dualistic about it it doesn't seem as spiritual this year.
However this week has got off to a better start - so yesterday I did make time to plan for a retreat - and today I have persuaded two charities that I am involved with to recycle more, and to adopt a local supply of recycled paper for the white paper stocks - so feeling a little more positive.
Kind of reassuring to read that others are as deeply unmoved...I wondered if it was simply pre-move distractedness but clearly not every adult in your vicinity is suffering from this.
Posted by: Kathryn | 25 February 2008 at 19:17
Though it might be true that I am suffering from pre-move distraction - or least will we have a house to move to distraction - I simply don't think that this years ideas are as imaginative or evocative as last year - perhaps the "theme" does not really touch base to easily with Lent.
Posted by: Tom Allen | 25 February 2008 at 20:04
I confess I've not done 'Live Life, Love Lent' either versions 1 or 2.
As a relatively new clergy person (my second Lent this year), the idea of slowing down in Lent makes me think 'chance would be a fine thing'. More like 'Live Lent, Do Lots More and simultaneously manage to disappoint more people's expectations'. Hmmmmmmm. There's something to think about.
Posted by: PamBG | 25 February 2008 at 23:16